Our origin

PLÁKATA! is just an expression Carlos and his brothers used when they were kids playing baseball. From little league fields, to sandlots, from the backyard to the living room and eventually, even the big Leagues. They would yell PLÁKATA! when they crushed the ball.

This has led to the PLÁKATA! trend and brand. It’s synonymous with tenacity, grit, hard work and ultimately, triumph and victory. It’s about giving your best, all day, every day, in all you do. It’s about CRUSHING THE NOW!

It’s the sound of triumph, victory and achievement!

What is our mission?

Inspire and empower people to maximize their God-given potential in all aspects of their life.

What is our vision?

For everyone to be purpose-driven and experience wholesome meaningful lives.

Carlos Peña

Despite many challenges and hardships, Carlos has always persevered. Faith, self-discipline, and hard work have been the pillars of his inspiring life’s journey.

Crush the now